So much has happened at Vrdnt Farm this past year. When your farm is only a few years old (read a bit about our origin story here, page 41), the events of 1 whole year... especially a year like 2021 marked by a vacillating pandemic and an artic freeze... can truly frame the history of your businesses.
One of 2021's later developments was this... our farm blog! It may seem like a small thing, but for us it's an important step in the direction we want to grow- setting aside a bit of time and energy to better communicate with you, hopefully encourage you to nerd out a
bout agriculture, or maybe to get excited about kohlrabi. In case you're new here, we thought we'd share links to your favorite 6 blog posts of 2021, ranked in order of popularity based on your views. As always, thanks for reading. We're looking forward to a bright 2022 marked by literal tons of delicious veggies.

2021 Top 6 Blog Posts
1. Your Definitive Guide to Storing Vegetables
Storing your fresh vegetables correctly will help prolong the shelf-life of your beautiful produce - making sure you still have crisp lettuce and crunchy carrots when the time comes for you to cook with them. To help you make the most of your Vrdnt produce this season, we've gone ahead and created a Definitive Produce Storage Guide. Behold!
2. Your Farmers Favorite Salad Dressings
It's Texas salad season, and we're sharing our 2 favorite dressing recipes for big bowls of addictive greenery. Happy salad season, y'all.
3. Meet the Team!
Our Vrdnt team is small but mighty. We thought we should do some quick introductions so you can better know the farm, and better understand who is responsible for what.
4. What's In, What's Out & Onions
What's in, what's out, plus why you can't find onions for your holiday mise in place.
5. A Farmer's Pitch for Local Food
I don't know anyone who is opposed to this idea of local farms. It's maybe one of the most non-controversial ideas in this moment of polarization in our country. However, the reality is that less than 1% of food consumed in Austin is produced locally. On average, US produce travels 1,500 miles before reaching the end consumer. That's the exact distance from here to Washington DC. Most of us Texans chafe at the idea of laws coming from that far away, so why do we accept it as the status quo for our food?
6. The Best Canned Goods to Complete your CSA Pantry
A well stocked pantry is an essential tool to help you cook your way through a CSA haul. A few select canned goods can go a long way in nudging a plate of veggies to a full meal. Is your pantry ready to cook?
