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Veggie Forecast & CSA Winter Break

We’re sure y’all have noticed that CSA contents have mainly consisted of root veggies and cold hardy greens for the past few weeks. It’s tough to keep things rolling in the deep winter, and we appreciate your commitment to supporting and eating locally all year. We have been relying on the crops we bulk harvested and stored before the first big freeze–rutabaga, daikon and watermelon radishes–and the few veggies still kicking in the field–kale, beets, carrots, and lettuce. Even with a bit less variety this season, we’re happy to have these hardy, frost-sweetened crops to keep everyone’s bellies warm and full. 

But alas, the cooler and fields are starting to run low, and we decided it’s best to pause the CSA for three weeks. We’re giving y’all as much of a heads up as possible–our break will be during these pickup windows:

  • February 22 - 24

  • March 1 - 3

  • March 8 - 10

CSA will start up again for the pickup window of 3/15/25 - 3/17/25. Members can expect direct communication from us with more details in the near future. 

This break will allow us to focus our efforts on spring planting, so that when we start up again in mid-March, you can expect a new season of fresh veggies: think leafy greens like arugula and lettuce, crunchy radishes and tender sprouting broccoli; the last hurrah of beets and carrots, then cabbage, kohlrabi, and cauliflower in April before that Texas heat inevitably sets in. This fleeting period of spring in Central Texas is almost like a second, faster fall season. If you’re eagerly anticipating things like juicy tomatoes, crisp peppers, cooling cucumbers and tasty zucchini, it’s finally time to plant them in March after fear of frost has evaporated, but they won’t be ready until early summer in May and June. 

Farmer Becky seeding arugula in the hoop house

We’re excited to get on our planting grind and return with a new season of veggies–we hope you are, too! But, remember that CSA is still going for three more weeks, so you’ll have a good chunk of time to enjoy (and maybe squirrel away some of) your VRDNT veggies. 



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