It's our second year of having a farm blog, and we're so glad you've been following along. Below is a list of your favorite blog posts of 2022, listed in order of popularity based on your views.
Cheers to more nerdy food and farmy content in 2023! As always, thanks for supporting local agriculture!

2022 Top Blogs
1. Why Vrdnt Will Never Again Grow Pumpkins
Of all our posts in 2022, you guys were most captivated by the harrowing story of why VRDNT will never again grow pumpkins. Who knew pumpkins could be so riveting? If you’ve been with VRDNT since the beginning, you may remember that during our first season of production in 2019 we grew these sweet, small (but heavy when en-mass) pumpkins. We loaded up our plastic storage bins called IFCOS with this autumnal jewel and lugged the dense fruit to farmers’ markets, pop-up events, and restaurants. The weight of the tiny pumpkins bulged the sides of the ifcos, which you can see in the only picture we found from this early time.
2. Daikon Radishes: What to do with Your Purple Roots
Honestly, seeing this post coming it at the 2nd most popular blog of 2022 is a good reminder for us farmers that not everyone is as intimately familiar with daikon as we are. If you know Becky, you know that she has a sweet spot for purple daikon, specifically. The roots are in season now, and if you're scratching your head, we've got some ideas for you.

3. Meet the Team
Our team of farmers is small, but mighty. We feel incredibly lucky to enter into this new year with such an incredible roster of humans. Know your farmer(s), know your food they say...
4. Cashflow at the Farm: The Truth
"As a small business owner, there is a lot to juggle. Rarely do I set aside time to communicate the "whys" behind some of the decisions I make at Vrdnt. Today, I thought I'd set aside that time and talk about the unique way I structure my CSA..." Keep reading.
5. 8 Tools Essential to the CSA Kitchen
Pots, pans, (big) stainless bowls, large roasting trays, sturdy cutting boards, and sharp knives. These should be the givens in any cook-worthy kitchen. But what about the extras that just make things easier? I’m not want to endorse vapid consumerism, and I wouldn’t be suggesting these tools if I wasn’t convinced of their ability to make eating vegetables quicker, and easier.

6. Barely Recipes: Quick and Easy Ways to Use your CSA Veggies
Sometimes you need more of a technique than a recipe. If you're cooked-out after this holiday season, here are some easy, barely recipes to feed your folks.

2021 Classics that Still Ring True:
Your Farmers Favorite Salad Dressings
It's Texas salad season, and we're sharing our 2 favorite dressing recipes for big bowls of addictive greenery. Happy salad season, y'all.
What's In, What's Out & Onions
What's in, what's out, plus why you can't find onions for your holiday mise in place.
The Best Canned Goods to Complete your CSA Pantry
A well stocked pantry is an essential tool to help you cook your way through a CSA haul. A few select canned goods can go a long way in nudging a plate of veggies to a full meal. Is your pantry ready to cook?