Hi y’all– Erin here!
Many of you only know me through email but I’ve been working at VRDNT for the past 2 years, and running the CSA at VRDNT for the past year. You may have read in a recent post that my time at VRDNT has come to an end and I’m off on my next adventure!
I’m writing this from Pennsylvania, where I plan to live and farm, and where I'm reflecting on how truly special my experience working at VRDNT was. In the fall of 2020 when I decided I wanted to farm, I had an image in my head of a magical world where the vegetables always grew beautifully, the weather was always perfect and I would go home each day with only a thin layer of sweat on my brow. I could not have been more wrong.
What I got instead was truly one of the most valuable experiences of my life. Nothing was perfect, the vegetables had a mind of their own and I sweat more than I thought was humanly possible. I loved every second of it.
When I first started at VRDNT, every mistake I made would completely rock me. I wanted everything to go perfectly all the time but that’s just not how farming goes (also, as you may have noticed, it’s not how life goes.) It took many months and many mistakes for me to start to learn to roll with the punches. I learned flexibility and problem solving all while learning to pick eggplants and dig up potatoes.
Working on a small farm with truly amazing people has helped me grow in so many ways and I’m grateful to everyone here for all the sweating and weeding and harvesting I got to do these past two years. I learned a lot about farming at VRDNT.... and those are skills I hope to take with me in my career. But I learned alot about myself, too, and those are things I am going to take with me for the rest of my life.
Thanks for everything VRDNT!