Maybe you're spending the day like a farmer... running around on your 3rd mason jar of coffee, trying to bundle things up. For the farm, crop loss is obviously a looming threat, but busted irrigation infrastructure is perhaps equally as troublesome.
But hopefully, your pipes are tucked in, your power stays on, and instead, you can spend this blustery day doing something more heartful. In a perfect world, your canceled plans and canceled school leave you at home, puttering around in the kitchen and making soup with Homeward Bound playing in the background, and a craft project in the queue for the long simmer. A gal can dream.
Below is a roundup of 15 great soup recipes for a day like today, with a few that focus on rutabaga because we know those things can be a bit enigmatic. If you picked up a CSA share this past weekend, you've been blessed with green garlic, an ironically timed harbinger of spring.
Green garlic would be the perfect aromatic start to any and all of the soup recipes below. RECIPE ROUNDUP:
I made the roasted rutabaga soup tonight before reading this post. I added daikon since I didn’t have quite enough rutabaga. It is quite good!